- RT @wytze: en route to Maastricht for event on collaborative teaching and learning spaces, where Adam Finkelstein aka @adamfdotnet will pre… 2019-09-27
- RT @NatasaZB: Active learning lab, a small change in design can make a change. Spaces Matter, Adam Finkelstein, McGill University, @UvA_Ams… 2019-09-27
- RT @NatasaZB: “Standard†classroom can transform Spaces Matter, Adam Finkelstein, McGill University, @UvA_Amsterdam @marijveugelers https:/… 2019-09-27
- RT @NatasaZB: Spaces Matter, inspiring talk by Adam Finkelstein, McGill University, @UvA_Amsterdam @marijveugelers https://t.co/ptQoqvTzye 2019-09-27
- RT @marijveugelers: A very good presentation about Learning Spaces matters by Adam Finkelstein at @UvA_Amsterdam with good discussion with… 2019-09-27
- A great conversation with the folks from Leuven. Issues of learning spaces and organizational change in higher educ… https://t.co/Jj8GGqKHtG 2019-09-27
- Thank you for coming and engaging in a great conversation about spaces. https://t.co/ig0C1hzrOc 2019-09-27
- Yes! https://t.co/hMqiiIiEZy 2019-09-27
- RT @WijkIngrid: Great that @IlseSistermans exchange to @mcgillu last year kickstarted this guestlecture by @adamfdotnet @MaastrichtU @UM_Li… 2019-09-27
- Thank you Ilse for organizing a great conversation on #learningspaces. It was great to connect with old and new col… https://t.co/uhZXLvWBh3 2019-09-27
- Why we confuse colours. Something to think about when we design classrooms and the lighting we choose.… https://t.co/h2iFv2rd7J 2019-09-29