- All set for #EDU19. Getting ready for our preconference. #learningspaces https://t.co/GIHncvifGN 2019-10-14
- RT @Autumm: Well it is out folks
I wrote a thing with @erinroseglass for @EDUCAUSEreview
Education before Regulation: Empowering Students… 2019-10-15
- A lot of great conversation in our workshop on Creating a Learning Space Strategic Plan. Great to work with… https://t.co/3fmqveQiWL 2019-10-15
- For when you just can’t get pumpkin spice fast enough. #justsaynotopumpkinspice https://t.co/uQQQ7ocWRc 2019-10-16
- Thank you @TraceyBirdwell for all your expert facilitation help! https://t.co/AeZMQ7ix9I 2019-10-16
- RT @FLEXspaceorg: Discussing spaces via the new FLEXspace portal. Mission accomplished! Add your spaces too! #EDU19 #learningspaces https:… 2019-10-16
- RT @johnstonjulie1: EDUCAUSE Learning Space Working Group meeting #EDU19 @adamfdotnet https://t.co/pQEsPYINpd 2019-10-16
- Looking forward to it. Great to have a chance for some good #learningspaces discussions at #edu19 https://t.co/ZST84Vx8Wn 2019-10-16
- RT @TonyaEdtech: The CEO of Girls Who Code is the closing speaker! @GirlsWhoCode #EDU19 @EducauseYPAC https://t.co/VajqIdAuD9 2019-10-17
- This is painful. And hilarious. https://t.co/iGhqv1YbHb 2019-10-20